Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Romance for the Soul

Just wanted to let everyone out there know that Sylvia Hubbard and Suprina Frazier are two phenomenal writers. If you have never had the opportunity to read any of their work please visit http://mochainterlude.blogspot.com and http://mochainterlude.blogspot.com.

Sylvia just completed her live story called His Substitute wife .......... My sister. Can I tell you that it was HOT! Please visit http://www.lulu.com/content/1414554 to purchase your copy of this book, you will not be disappointed.

As for Suprina her live story Pursuing Mrs. Regrets is going on RIGHT NOW, so please visit her site and enjoy. This book has got me on the edge of my seat. Mrs. Frazier has got some TIPS for yall. LMAO

Please visit their website and help support them in their writing endeavors.